(Once upon a date…) 1996 : “Totally Toy Story”

1996 is the year the first Toy Story movie was released. While the first animated film in computer graphics from the Pixar studio has just been released in cinemas, it is being celebrated at Disneyland Paris.

“Totally Toy Story”, the very first interactive parade, invites children to participate, and Buzz Lightyear’s Pizza Planet Restaurant opens just behind Space Mountain – From the Earth to the Moon.

Woody a cheval

Woody, Buzz Lightyear, Bo Peep, Ham, Rex and even Syd’s creatures: the Toys are back for “Totally Toy Story”, an interactive meeting with the characters of the Disney Pixar hit movie. For the parade, a whole bucket of Green Army Men sets up their camp on Main Street, U.S.A.

Soldats verts en parachute

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